Winter News 2016/2017
Snow Removal Policy
It’s that time again, and wanted to share with you our Snow Policy.
We are on the city’s plowing schedule for neighborhoods for normal snowfall.
Unless we have excess snowfall, and the city can’t get to us as they are overwhelmed,
then we will contact our contractor.
This fall, Jerry Morse did some preliminary work in obtaining bids from contractors to
plow our driveways and roads. What follows is approved our agreement:
Residents can call to arrange to have their driveways plowed (“avg.” $50-$60 each).
Please note that those who call to make reservations are served first.
We all benefit from using the same contractor, because he will give us a break for
plowing our common roads if the city cannot get to us for a time.
Payment by the Colony Association for the plowing of our streets in the original Colony only would be determined by how many driveways get plowed. Please remember that this plowing expense is NOT included in our regular budget - this is an instance where our reserve fund is utilized for the benefit of all.
No driveways plowed- $500 to plow Colony streets
10 driveways plowed - $300 to plow Colony streets
20 driveways plowed - $150 to plow Colony streets
30 driveways plowed - No charge to plow Colony streets
If you are interested in using this program, please call Matt Hill at 221-7563 or email him at Also, please let me know if you have used his services so we can keep track of the discount that would be due us.
Lastly, PLEASE if you don’t have a snow-worthy vehicle, please don’t venture out and block the roads. If you have an emergency that you need to either get out, or need something brought in, please contact Carin at 859-608-5742. I have a list of people who are willing to assist in emergencies.
Stay warm and safe!
Your Colony Neighborhood Board
Letter from the President
I wanted to alert the neighborhood to two issues highlighted in the Herald Leader. The first article deals with development on Versailles Road and Delmont Drive. In response to a request to build a gas station that includes a mini mart, Council Member Peggy Henson filed a moratorium on building permits from 1411 Versailles Road to 1907 Versailles Road and 1411 Versailles - 1824 Versailles Road.
The results can be read in the article. On behalf of the Colony Neighborhood Association I wrote a letter to all council Members and spoke to Peggy Henson in support of the Moratorium. There are seven gas stations/mini marts from Parkers Mill to Oliver Lewis Way and jaywalking is common on Versailles Road. The location proposed for the gas station is an entrance to residential areas and the affected neighborhood opposes this type of development.
The second editorial deals with House Bill 72, filled recently in Frankfort. This Bill would affect Neighborhood Associations and make it even more expensive to challenge proposed development. As the President of our neighborhood association, I have written to our representatives in opposition of this bill. As with any proposed legislation anyone can write their representative and I urge you to consider sharing your opinion on this issue.
-Sherri Weisenfluh, President Colony Neighborhood Association
Rainy Tree Lighting Event