Spring News 2017
Board Meeting & Dues
May 2, 2017 was the annual meeting. Thank you, to all that attended and contributed!
The following Board Members were elected:
Sherri Weisenfluh- President
Kevin Davis- Vice President
Rekha Palli- Secretary
Jerry Weisenfluh- Treasurer
Jane Madden- At Large
Kim Bragg- At Large
Lori Whitlatch- At Large
Your annual contribution of $125.00 is now due and helps the Board formulate a more accurate budget if paid in early spring. You can put it in our mailbox 1225 Colonial Drive or mail it to us or pay online.
Table Talk
On March 15, 2017, the Bluegrass Community Foundation sponsored a daylong event, On the Table, Your Voice Matters. Individuals and organizations were recruited to host tables of 8-12 participants. Every residential zip code in Lexington was represented with 11,000 participants and 1,100 tables hosted throughout the day. Sherri and Jerry Weisenfluh hosted a table and had discussions aimed at ways to improve Lexington and our neighborhoods. The discussion was fun and a number of neighbors got an opportunity to meet each other and contribute their impressions.
Questions were discussed, such as:
“What do you brag about when talking about Lexington?”,
“What are your favorite cities and why?”
“What could Lexington borrow and use to make our community better?”
Participants mentioned bragging on a revitalized downtown, the need for improved
recycling, preserving the uniqueness of our community, improved walking and biking
trails and the problem of increased panhandling. The conversation lasted an hour but
could have gone on longer.
The Community Foundation asked hosts to submit the major points of their discussion
and comments will be shared with Urban County Government as part of the update to
the Comprehensive Planning process. A survey was also sent to each participant to be
analyzed by researchers with the University of Chicago. Council member Peggy Henson
also asked that the Colony Neighborhood discussion be shared with her for
future planning.