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Fall News 2017

Annual Colony Picnic

Beautiful weather, a beautiful backyard and hosts Thom Smith and Rodney Day all added up to a great picnic. Over 50 residents gathered on September 10, to share fried chicken, a wonderful mix of side dishes and of course numerous desserts. Every year we send out a request for a dish to share and every year we seem to have just the right mix. A big thank you to our hospitality committee lead by Lori Whitlatch. Members of the committee who helped make the day possible include Kevin and Afsi Davis, Linda Birk, Darlene Bozarth, Abbie Loynachan.  The Board is always looking for our next host. If interested please contact Sherri Weisenfluh at

Versailles Rd Streetscape

The Weisenfluhs and the Bozarths attended the open house of the Versailles Road Streetscape Meeting, held October 9. at the Lexington Public Library, Village Branch, 2185 Versailles Road. 

Completed in 2015, the Versailles Road Corridor Study presented an overall streetscape concept from Parkers Mill Road to Oliver Lewis Way.  The first two phases of the project are funded. The first phase begins at Parkers Mill and extends to Mason Headley. Construction is projected to begin in March 2018 and take 2-3 months. Construction will include the closing of one lane of traffic with three lanes remaining open. Design plans were presented at the open house and participants were able to view the street scape and ask questions of the city representatives, and Palmer Engineers. Council Member Peggy Henson also attended to answer questions.  

The overall goal of the project is to increase pedestrian safety by encouraging pedestrians to cross Versailles Road only at the cross walks. The plan calls for improved sidewalks, better crosswalks with ADA improvements and the use of green space on both sides of the sidewalk. Pavers, possibly painted will be added at each crosswalk. 

The Urban County Council has provided the funding for this initial phase, a contractor has yet to be selected. 

For questions contact: 

Mark Feibes,

Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government

859 258-3428

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